Saturday, December 10, 2011

Adjustments, Adjustments, Adjustments ???

It's interesting. We, mostly Honey, worked with the realtor here for about one year. Constantly exchanging emails with her to gain more information about this area and making sure the realtor knew exactly what we wanted and what was most important to us.

We were wanting to be in a quiet area, easy access to a golf course, and have the capability to get ESPN on TV as sports, in particular college football and Kentucky basketball, are very important to us. Other things, such as short walking distance to the beach would be a bonus.

Well, as I've mentioned in previous blogs, the golf course is near - just across the road - but it is closed and no one seems to know when it will re-open. The realtor was positive it would be open in November. I guess my mistake was that I did not ask "November of what year?" I went over to the course the other day and started to play a few holes. The course is in decent shape. I got kicked off after just one shot. Are there other golf courses in the area? Certainly. But to get to them would require hiring a taxi which equates to additional costs. One of the reasons we took this condo was the close proximity to the course.

We have the quiet that we wanted. It's just intermingled between all the nearly constant noise of the buses, cars, trucks, vans, and motor bikes that run the road all day and all evening. And then at night, just to make sure there is minimal quiet time, we get the non-stop music (?) from the nightclub.

The realtor didn't hesitate to tell us we would be able to get ESPN. She just didn't mention that it is ESPN Deporto (the Spanish ESPN). Now that would be OK if they televised college football and basketball. But just about all we get is soccer.  We did get to see the Xavier game Wednesday evening, but we never know what is going to be on.  Periodically they do televise basketball, but we have not seen football on ESPN Deporto.

I know, I've commented about all of this previously.

My point to all of this is this. Don't completely trust anyone when you may be gathering information to make a move similar to ours. Check out the items that are most important to you on your own. Don't rely on someone else, regardless of how sure they speak of their knowledge of those items or how convincing they may sound. Remember, the items important to you are never as important to someone else. In addition, if someone is apt to make some money off your move, verify and then verify again what they are telling you.

Did we make a mistake moving here?
              I don't think so.

Is is going well? 
             I don't think so.

Are we going to stay here?
             I don't think so.

Before you make a move to an area that you are not familiar with, know what is really important to you. Discuss it over and over again with someone that will play "Devil's Advocate" for you.  Is it conveniences, food, sports, leisure time, activities, restaurants, social time, or some other item? Know it and make sure it is available to you in your new location. Verify it's availability and then verify it again in some other manner. And then do it one more time. Do not rely on someone else telling you "sure you can get it".

One of the ways to verify that an area has all the things that are important to you is to spend a few weeks in that location. Don't treat it as a vacation, but rather spend the time as though you are living there. Walk around. Talk to the locals. Visit the stores. Find out where the hospital is. Learn the customs. Learn how the locals think. Don't be a tourist. This is where you plan to live your life, so look at it through those glasses. If, during your research visit, you find that one of your important items is not accessible, ask yourself if you can live without it. If the answer is NO than don't move there. Be honest with yourself. Discuss it with your spouse.  

Through all of this, still  EVERYDAY IS SATURDAY!!!