Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thoughts and Observations

Here are some random thoughts and observations from the Island.

The temperature is unbelievable. Nearly everyday is 83 degrees with a mild breeze. Nearly every night is 78 degrees with a mild breeze. You've got to love the consistency.

Talk about contradictions. The life style is slow and easy. No one is in a hurry for anything. But the driving is just the opposite. It is fast paced and "loco". No matter how fast you may be driving, you will be passed by a motor bike, bus, taxi, or truck. Interesting that they are all in a hurry to get someplace to do nothing.

Go the grocery and find milk - leche -  on the shelf with a long shelf life. Not condensed milk, but regular milk. And you know what - it tastes just fine.

 Another grocery item that is not refrigerated is eggs. But that makes sense; hen houses are not refrigerated either.

Just started to see and hear birds. I guess the winter migration from the States in on.

The community we live in - White Sands - has a security guard operating the gate to control who comes in. But the gate is always up and the guard just waves and smiles.

As we drove to Heguey we passed though a small town. We saw many shops with meat hanging on the front porches. Flies, smog, fumes, dust and dirt were flying all around. I hear it tastes fine, but I will never be able to confirm that statement.

Some of the fruits and vegetables look good. Local products. But they do not taste the way they look.

Beautiful, large pool at the complex we live in. But no one is ever there. This is great because every time we go, which is nearly every day, it's like having our own private pool. No noise, no children, no distractions.

Everyone jokes about "Dominican Time". But it really does exist. The term means that it may happen sometime after the time given, or maybe some day around the day given. But it will happen some day, some time.

Went to the bank last week. Honey was wearing a ball cap. The security guard instructed her to remove it. I've never heard that request before in a bank.I guess that is so the security cameras can get a better facial photo.

At the main intersection in the town near us, Bavaro, there is a stoplight. It must be there just for decoration as it does not work. The intersection is a wild place. It's a place where the bravest and boldest get through the intersection first.

Had a friend drive us to a store a few weeks ago. She had a little bump with a pickup. She was passing on the right. She didn't even get out to look at the damage; nor did the pickup truck driver. Every one just kept going.

With all the crazy driving, there are very few vehicles on the road that have damage.

Speed bumps are placed randomly on the roads.

All the locals wants to help, but it seems they all want pesos for the help they give.

I've heard there is a bikini car wash in town. Have no idea if they do a good job of washing your car, but I think most of their patrons don't really care.

I thought fresh fish would be abundant. After all, we live on the coast of an island. What I've seen in the grocery is not very appealing.

Personal transportation is oh so important.

Another weather comment. The humidity is not at all noticeable, even though we are close to the beach.

We saw a rainbow the other day. Actually, we saw a double rainbow for just a moment. Wonder what that means?

When we get rain clouds, it's always a great mix of beautiful colors.