Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rounding Third and Heading For Home

"This is the old lefthander rounding third and heading for home" is a metaphor that Joe Nuxhall, a Cincinnati Reds great pitching legend, used when he was signing off after completing a broadcast of a Reds' game.

It currently applies to me, or should I say us, also. Honey and I are rounding out our third month of retirement in the Dominican Republic and heading home.  Needless to say, as I've implied or outright stated in previous blogs,  it has not worked out for us here. Just way too may obstacles to overcome to make this a place to reside. I will not belabor these points again. If you are not familiar with them, please refer back to my earlier writings.

Anyway, we've decided that Tampa is where we want to finally land, for several reasons. I have realized that I really enjoy the warmer year 'round weather. And although Tampa does not match the weather in the DR, it sure beats the cold and varying changes the north has to offer.  In addition, Honey just plain needs to go back to work. She is absolutely not ready to retire. And true be told, I am not sure I am ready for that lifestyle either, but the jury is still out on that. Employment opportunities are not here as we were led to believe and we both need something to do.

We spent some time in Tampa recently and have found an apartment that suits our needs and wants. We have also purchased a car, furniture, and miscellaneous household items that we sold to make the DR move possible. We will be Tampa residents by the middle of February, if not sooner, our move-in date.

We are looking forward to our new adventure and place of residence. But let there be no mistake; we will NOT be Gator fans. We will continue to be, and will continue to display, our support for the Big Blue Wildcats of Kentucky. We will continue to be members of the BBN (Big Blue Nation).

We do not regret our attempt to retire in the Dominican. It has been an experience that we do appreciate and it has made us more grateful for the creature comforts offered in the dear old USA. We have become very aware of how good we have it in the States and how far behind other countries are; especially third world countries. The difference in education, ambition, drive, pride in one's country and surroundings, and respect for others is painfully obvious. No matter how bad you may think it is in the States, try another country. Or learn from our experience.

One more item has been stricken from our bucket list.

I will definitely miss the consistent weather. For the last two months, the temperature has been 83 every day and 78 every evening. Most of the time the sun is shining, and usually we are getting a nice breeze from the beach. Beyond that, I do not think I will miss anything else.

I have enjoyed writing this blog and sharing our experiences and new found knowledge of this island. I hope all of you have enjoyed reading it, learning, and sometimes laughing at some of my comments.

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