Monday, February 20, 2012

Finally getting settled (Again)

Here we are, finally, in our new digs and getting settled. We, of course, have had some bumps in the road getting set up, but that is to be expected. Some furniture delivery issues and some TV cable installation issues, but what else is new.

We've been in our apartment for a week now. It still does not feel like home, but when I think about it, we haven't really had a home since some time in September. That is a long time to be bouncing around with no feeling of having our feet planted anywhere.

We have no doubt that Tampa is going to work for us. There is the big city activities and atmosphere for Honey and the warm weather and historical activities for me. Plus we have a huge array of sports activities and teams to follow.

I think I mentioned previously that we spent a day visiting Ft. DeSoto a couple weeks ago. That was a great day just being a bum hanging out and seeing the sights. Unfortunately I couldn't get any pictures as my camera was still packed someplace. Yesterday, to take a break from moving and unpacking, we went to an art and crafts fair in Sarasota. We had a great time.

I have spent every morning since we've moved in, on the lanai/patio drinking my coffee, reading the paper, working the crossword puzzles (3 each day in one newspaper), and reading about the Wildcats on line. Our lanai is screened in and faces a nature preserve on both open sides. It is absolutely wonderful. No one will ever live behind us or next to us. It doesn't get much better than this.

The other day we had our first two visitors. As I was sipping coffee, two raccoons came out of the preserve just nosing around and came right up to the lanai. They were just looking and sniffing and eventually turned around and headed back into the woods.

One of the complex's maintenance men told us he has seen deer, a bobcat, snakes (of course), a small alligator, and an assortment of birds in the preserve. I can't wait to see any or all of them with the exception of the snakes.

We are figuring that it will take another month or so to start feeling like this is home. Honey is anxious to get back to work and we both are anxious to get back into an everyday life routine. I also anticipate going back to work, part time. I am just not sure what it is I want to do, but I am sure I will know when it presents itself.

In the meantime, we have seen more Kentucky games since we've been here than the entire time we were in the DR.       Ain't it Great!!!

The weather report - It's been a bit cool in the evenings. Recently it's been down into the 50's at night but during the day the temperature is in the 70's. It's not the weather we were getting in the DR, but the trade-offs are well worth it. This sure beats the heck out of snow and cold winds.

I will be getting some photos now as we do things and visit places. I found my camera and it is crying out for me to put it to good use.


  1. I'm so happy for you guys! Do post a few pictures so we can see your paradise too. I imagine it won't take you long to find something to fill your time, I'm sure there is a golf course somewhere that needs a part time ranger..or a few more golfers ;-p

  2. Hi Jim, sounds like you may have found your home, at long last. I am delighted for you guys, though you are sorely missed here in the mountains.
