Thursday, March 8, 2012

Big Blue Nation

We did it! We got there. We made what we hope will be our annual pilgrimage. Last week Honey and I made a trip to Lexington and attended Senior Night at the final home game of the Wildcats of UK.

What an experience. We have been to games before at Rupp Arena to see the Cats play. It never ceases to amaze me. The crowd, the excitement, the electricity in the atmosphere, the aura. College basketball at its finest. The game was a 9:10 PM tip-off, all seats are pre-sold, the gates open at 7:30 PM, and yet there are fans in line at the gates at least 30 minutes before they open. Why? My guess is just the experience of being in Rupp Arena and watching the players warm up before the game. The chance to get near the floor and see the players up close. At the slim chance to see Coach Cal before the game. Maybe grab an autograph of a favorite player or coach. Who knows; everyone has their own reason.

Of course, we were there early also. In fact, we were at the adjoining mall about 5:00 PM. Lots of shops with Kentucky paraphernalia and a few eateries. We spent the time roaming through the shops and watching the multitude of fans grow. Everyone had Kentucky Blue on, with some dressed a little more fanatical (see some pictures). Fans of all ages.

We joined the wait at the gate about 7:15. Knew we couldn't get in until 7:30 but it is just part of the whole experience. Once in the arena, we located our seats, and I headed courtside to watch the players, get photos, and just enjoy the surroundings. It's interesting. These kids get all this audulation heaped upon them and they just go about the business of having a good time and playing a game. Laughing and joking like 18 and 19 year old kids should act. As big as Anthony Davis is (6'11") and Terrence Jones (6'9"), they do not possess the physical presence that DeMarcus Cousins possesses. I was fortunate to see him play a couple years ago in Lexington. Got courtside then also. Wow was he big.

Senior Night is always a great game to see. The emotions before the game when the seniors are honored is really special. Darius Miller is a home grown player and has contributed all four years to the Wildcats success. Eloy Vargas has been in Lexington just two years and plays sparingly, but has also contributed to the success of the program. To see these two young men honored and then hear "My Old Kentucky Home" sung is nothing short of chilling.

The game was a sell out, as every game is at Rupp Arena. The stands are nothing but a sea of blue. Loyal and knowledgeable fans everywhere. The game itself was great to watch - another lopsided victory. A great display of basketball. I have to admit, I did not take many photos of the game itself; I was busy watching.

A couple months ago there was some criticism of the Kentucky fans not being continuouslly vocal during games at Rupp. Fans in other arenas are that way, why not Kentucky fans? I, too, questioned that. After attending a game, it became obvious to me. The Kentucky fans are very knowledgeable of the game and are there to watch the players play the game as it should be played. They are not there to be entertained similar to a show. They certainly show their appreciation for a great play and for the players efforts and to show support for their team. But they enjoy the game itself and understand it. This can't be done if they are jumping around and yelling and screaming constantly. The fans at other schools that do the screaming throughout the entire game have no idea what is actually happening on the floor. They are there just to yell.

After the game we hung around for about an hour to listen to the radio talk show that takes place from courtside. There were a few hundred fans that stayed to listen and see two players, the seniors this time, talk with the broadcaster. After they left, Coach Calipari came out and did "his thing" for the radio. Can you imagine, a few hundred fans staying late to watch a radio program.

All in all, a great experience. We plan to be at a game next year, and the year after that, and the year after that.............

I did get quite a few photos of the players in pre-game and some of the floor activities during timeouts, with a couple game photos mixed in.

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